We’re back again with another post in our Gang’s All Here series offering thematic groups of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying datafiles, ready to drop right into your game. This time we’re presenting another group based on enemies from the City of Heroes computer game. Last time, we looked at the Outcasts, an elemental-powered mutant gang. This time, we detail one of the Outcasts’ long-time rivals: the Trolls.
The Trolls
The Trolls are a result of a mutation triggered by long-term exposure to the drug known as superadine. Early physical symptoms are a green hue to the skin and increased strength, while cognitive processes slow and wits become dull. These transformations increase with further exposure, and additional characteristics such as horns and hair loss begin to appear.
While their mental capabilities are hampered, the Trolls’ love of destruction and demonstrations of strength make them a fearsome street gang. These attributes led to what could arguably be called the Trolls’ greatest achievement: the triggering of vast quantities of explosives throughout the sewers of the area of Paragon City originally known as Westgate.
Things didn’t quite run to plan: the ground beneath Westgate had been riddled with caverns and tunnels and the explosives weakened the substructure beyond the effect intended, ultimately causing massive subsidence. This “Hollowing” resulted in the area of Paragon now dubbed The Hollows.
They’ll be happy when they are high on superadine, causing destruction and mayhem and revelling in violence, preferably with their enemies on the receiving end.
You might find them partaking in particularly destructive vandalism, maybe even resorting to explosives. Occasionally they organise violent “raves” where they indulge in uncut superadine.
- Frequently clash with the Outcasts over territory.
- Generally on good terms with the Skulls and The Family who often are their dealers and suppliers in the so-called “Superadine Connection”.
- Prove to be the source of many an apocryphal tale and urban myth amongst the public of Paragon City.
Milestone Options
Players and Watchers interested in building stronger ties between PCs and the Trolls may consider introducing the following options for Milestones.
Dropping the Dyne
In spite of the risks (or perhaps because of them), you have turned to using and abusing the chemical substance known on the streets as superadine, super, or dyne. Now though, you are regretting your decision and aim to get clean of the drug.
1xp when you destroy a supply of superadine.
3xp when you lie to a friend about your superadine addiction or when you rely on the enhanced physical prowess given from superadine use.
10xp when you relapse into your addiction or when you join an addiction support group to try to get clean.
Crossing the Bridge
You have a particular dislike for the Trolls and their destructive tendencies and have vowed to put an end to them.
1xp when you triumph in an action scene against a group of Trolls.
3xp when you defeat a group of Trolls in an action scene without anyone inflicting property damage.
10xp when you take down the leader of the Trolls.
General Characters
Affiliations: Solo d6, Buddy d4, Team d8
Distinctions: Superadine Addiction; Survival of the Strongest; Slow Witted
Superadine Addition: Enhanced Strength d8; Enhanced Stamina d8; Enhanced Durability d8
SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Enhanced Strength for an action.
Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom.
Mob of Trolls
Team: 3d8
Distinctions: Superadine Addicts; Dangerous; Enraged
Superadine Addiction: Enhanced Strength d8; Enhanced Durability d8
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die.
Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d10 stress) to reduce mob.
Being less organised and more animalistic than most of Paragon’s gangs, the Trolls tend towards hideouts more of opportunity than planned bases of operations. They are fiercely territorial of areas they lay a claim to, particularly in the Hollows, which they feel entitled to after the “Hollowing”.
Their most frequent lairs tend to be the network of Structurally Unsound Tunnels running beneath the streets of Paragon, which are often Filthy and Smelly as a result of the Trolls making their homes within. Indeed, such unpleasantness is likely found anywhere the Trolls have made a den for any length of time, but in cases of abandoned buildings, considerable Property Damage is also likely due to their violent and destructive nature.
Some lower ranked members may employ common gang weaponry, such as bats, knives, and guns. They particularly enjoy the more destructive types of weapons, such as sledgehammers and shotguns. Higher ranked Trolls rely less on weapons and more on their superadine-granted abilities.
Characters may choose to use superadine to improve their powers. Characters who use or abuse superadine regularly begin to mutate, growing in strength, stamina and durability. In addition, users gain a Superadine Rage SFX and the Addled Wits Limit (which version below depends on whether they are a Watcher or player character).
Characters using superadine should also consider rewriting at least one of their Distinctions to represent their increasing dependency on the drug.
- Superadine adds or steps up d8 in Strength, Durability, and Stamina. It also adds the following SFX and Limit.
- Watcher Character: –
- SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Strength for an action.
- Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom. Remove complication to recover.
- Player Character: –
- SFX Superadine Rage. Step up or double Strength for an action. If that action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to your Strength trait.
- Limit Addled Wits. Earn a PP and turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication. Remove complication to recover.
Named Characters
NOTE: The following are archetypes of common elite gang members rather than actual individuals. Heroes may meet multiple Gardvords and Calibans, for instance. Some actual named members will appear in future Action Scenes! articles featuring the Trolls.
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d4, Team d6
Distinctions: “Superadine Makes Me Strong!”; None Too Bright; Vicious
Superadine Addiction
Enhanced Strength d8; Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Enhanced Strength for an action.
SFX: Integration. Spend a d6 from doom to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from psychic attacks.
SFX: Fast Healing. Spend a d6 from doom to recover physical stress.
Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom. Remove complication to recover.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Menace Expert
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d4, Team d6
Distinctions: Brutal; None Too Bright; Vicious
Superadine Addiction
Enhanced Strength d8; Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Stamina d8; Submachine Gun d8
SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Enhanced Strength for an action.
SFX: Rapid Fire. Double Submachine Gun in an attack against a single target. Remove the highest rolling dice and add 3 dice for your total.
Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom. Remove complication to recover.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Menace Expert
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d4, Team d6
Distinctions: Strong Enough To Lead; None Too Bright; Doesn’t Need a Weapon…
Superadine Addiction
Superhuman Strength d10; Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Dangerous. Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back highest die in pool by –1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1.
SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Superhuman Strength for an action.
SFX: Second Wind. Spend a die from the doom pool to recover physical stress of an equal die size.
Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom. Remove complication to recover.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Menace Expert
Affiliations: Solo d6, Buddy d4, Team d8
Distinctions: Super-powered ‘Dyne Addict; Enough Brains Left to Lead; Doesn’t Need a Weapon…
Superadine Addiction
Superhuman Strength d10; Superhuman Durability d10; Enhanced Stamina d8; Boulders and Stone Spears (Blast) d10
SFX: Stone Weaponry. Add a d6 to your pool and step up effect die +1 when creating assets representing a stone weapon to use.
SFX: Stone Armour. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to ignore physical stress, trauma, or complications from blunt force impacts.
SFX: Superadine Rage. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to double Superhuman Strength for an action.
SFX: Second Wind. Spend a die from the doom pool to recover physical stress of an equal die size.
Limit: Addled Wits. Turn a Superadine Addiction power into a complication and step up or add a d6 to doom. Remove complication to recover.
Specialties: Combat Master, Menace Master
Supa Troll
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d4
Distinctions: Too Much ‘Dyne; Bestial Fury; Amazing Strength
Uncut Superadine Addiction
Superhuman Strength d10; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Stamina d10; Throw Boulder (Blast) d8.
SFX: Uncut Superadine Rage. Double or step up Superhuman Strength for an action. If that action succeeds, add a d10 to the doom pool.
SFX: Second Wind. Spend a die from the doom pool to recover physical stress of an equal die size.
SFX: Foot Stomp. Target multiple opponents with complications relating to unsure footing or being knocked prone. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
SFX: Bestial Mind. Count 1s and 2s on dice as opportunities when using an Uncut Superadine Addiction power.
Specialties: Combat Master
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