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In my previous The Gang’s All Here article, I presented the infamous reprobates of the terrorist organization known as Cobra for use in your Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game. In this installment, let’s look at their opposition, the highly trained special mission force known as G.I. Joe.
In certain stories the Joe team could serve as foes for player characters, but this group works best as allies for the characters or even as playable heroes. While the members of G.I. Joe are extremely skilled soldiers, they are still relatively normal people. Thus they may not be equipped for battles against cosmic threats or some super-powered foes, but they will always be real American heroes! Yo Joe!
G.I. Joe
Officially known as Special Counter-Terrorist Group Delta, the group better known as GI Joe was formed to help oppose the growing threat from more organized subversive groups around the globe. The nickname for the team was adopted from a popular term used by soldiers during World War II, and previously it was the code name for a special forces unit under the Kennedy administration.
The new incarnation of GI Joe gathered the best of the best from all branches of the U.S. military, and each member of the team had a specialized focus within the unit based on his or her particular skill set. The team also enjoys access to cutting edge military hardware and a top secret underground base hidden beneath the Fort Wadsworth base on Staten Island which acts as staging grounds for GI Joe operations.
The members of GI Joe pose as standard soldiers during their down time, but when duty calls they jump into action wherever they are needed. GI Joe’s perenniel source of problems is the infamous group known as Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization that will stop at nothing less than global domination.
Overview (Milestone) | General Characters | Paraphernalia | Named Characters
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Overview ^
They’ll be happy when the world is safe from Cobra, and the Cobra High Command is behind bars and can no longer threaten the lives and freedoms of innocent people.
You might find them wherever terrorist groups pose a threat to the safety of people worldwide, or providing security to potential targets of Cobra forces.
- The United State Armed Forces of all branches are staunch allies to the GI Joe team.
- They occasionally work with Great Britain’s Action Force on counter-terrorism operations.
- They sometimes find themselves at odds with Russia’s Oktober Guard, but join with them against a common threat when necessary.
- The Jugglers are a top secret committee of high ranking military officials that help oversee GI Joe, although sometimes their actions hamper the abilities of the team.
- While GI Joe opposes terrorism in any form, their primary foe is the extensive operations of Cobra Command and groups associated with the ruthless organization.
Milestone Option ^
And Now You Know
You know that good intelligence can make all the difference in the fight against terrorism.
1 XP when you uncover an enemy agent who is hidden or in disguise.
3 XP when you report important intelligence to your superiors or expose a weakness in an enemy operation.
10 XP when information you uncovered leads to the destruction of an enemy operation or when your intel proves false and thus assist the enemy in its plans.
General Characters ^
The GI Joe team is primarily made up of individual specialists, but occasionally they have access to their own squads of soldiers who act as support during missions. Here are the statistics for these “Greenshirts” for use as support for the heroes or possibly as generic army troops to oppose your players in nearly any setting.
New recruits to the GI Joe team, greenshirts serve as the regular troopers in the battles against Cobra.
Greenshirt G.I. Joe Trooper d8
Affiliations: Solo: d4, Buddy d6, Team d8
Gear: Assault Rifle d8, Knife d6
Greenshirt Mob
Affiliations: Team 3d6 (squad) or 5d6 (platoon)
Distinctions: Patriotic, Trained Soldier
Gear: Assault Rifle d8, Knife d6
SFX: Suppression Fire. Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
SFX: Focused Fire. Replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d8 stress) to reduce mob.
Greenshirt Minor Character
By giving a greenshirt specialized equipment and a nifty code name, they can also serve as minor members of the GI Joe team.
Affiliations: Solo: d4, Buddy d6, Team d8
Distinctions: Be All You Can Be, Courageous
Gear: Assault Rifle d8, Knife d6
SFX: Concentrated Fire. Replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Gear to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Vehicle Expert
Paraphernalia ^
The two example vehicles below are presented in two formats: as a simple asset/resource and as normal power sets.
If used as a resource or asset, players may acquire them in the normal fashion as a temporary benefit that adds to relevant die pools.
While a character could also take these vehicles as a permanent power set at creation or buy a power set with experience during play, in most adventures, vehicles may not see enough regular use for it to be a great benefit for the character. At the Watcher’s option, these vehicle power sets can serve as a temporary benefit given to heroes during appropriate action scenes.
d8 Ground Vehicle Asset/Resource
Power Set
Vehicle Attack: Multi-Purpose
Armor Plating d8, Enhanced Speed d8, Machine Guns d8
SFX: Focused Fire. Step up or double the Machine Guns die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add three dice for your total.
Limit: Vehicle. Shutdown VAMP and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover the vehicle.
Sky Hawk
d8 Aerial Vehicle Asset/Resource
Power Set
Sky Hawk
Armor Plating d6, Enhanced Flight d8, Weapons d8
SFX: Rockets. Step up or double Weapons die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both, then shutdown that power. Recover power during a Transition Scene.
Limit: Vehicle. Shutdown Sky Hawk and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover the vehicle.
The PIT (Scene Distinctions in Blue)
Serving as the main base of the GI Joe team, the first PIT is an Underground complex Hidden under the Chaplains Assistant School’s motor pool at Fort Wadsworth. The base is protected by Heavy Armor Plating and Sensor Jammers that help keep it secure and undetected. The PIT also contains advanced Computer Systems that help monitor potential threats across the world.
Named Characters ^
Duke (Conrad Hauser)
Affiliations: Solo: d8, Buddy d6, Team d10
Distinctions: Airborne Infantry, Field Commander, Fights for the Underdog
Standard Issue Gear
Assault Rifle d8, Body Armor d8, Pistol d6
SFX: Covering Fire. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when creating a Pinned Enemies asset for an ally.
SFX: Grenade Launcher. When using Assault Rifle, add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Standard Issue Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Military Training
Enhanced Reflexes d8, Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Battle Readiness: Spend 1 PP to ignore emotional stress or trauma results unless caused by a threat to an ally or innocent.
Limit: Battle Fatigue. Shutdown any Military Training power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Menace Expert, Vehicle Expert
Leader in the Field
You are the GI Joe field commander, and you must lead your team to victory.
1 XP when you convince your team to follow a plan of action you’ve developed.
3 XP when you defeat an enemy without any of your allies becoming stressed out.
10 XP when your leadership decisions lead to the destruction of an enemy base or plot, or when your leadership decisions lead to the enemy’s victory.
Never Leave a Man Behind
You never leave allies behind during a conflict, risking your own life to save theirs.
1 XP when you give support to another hero.
3 XP when you help an ally recover stress during an action scene.
10 XP when you put yourself in danger of defeat or capture to help an ally escape, or when you flee a battle and allow an ally to be taken in your place.
Bio: Duke was always a good soldier, and his dedication to the military and upholding justice made him stand out. But it was his unflinching bravery in the field and unwillingness to leave a comrade behind that lead him to GI Joe, where he serves as the field commander and inspiration to his other teammates.
Scarlett (Shana O’Hara)
Affiliations: Solo: d6, Buddy d8, Team d10
Distinctions: Counter-Intelligence, Martial Artist, Supreme Confidence
Covert Gear
Body Armor d6, Custom Crossbow d8, Grapple Line d6
SFX: Explosive Bolt. Add d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
SFX: Pinning Bolt. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a Pinned to the Wall complication on a target.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Covert Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Extensive Training
Enhanced Reflexes d8, Enhanced Senses d8
SFX: Redirect Momentum. When you succeed on a reaction against a close physical attack using an Extensive Training power, you may turn your opponent’s effect die into a complication or mental stress at no cost.
Limit: Lost Focus. Shutdown any Extensive Training power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Specialties: Acrobatic Expert, Combat Expert, Covert Expert, Psych Expert
Fierce Determination
You are often as fiery as the color of your hair, and you won’t let anything stand in the way of your goals.
1 XP when you stand up to another hero.
3 XP when you prove one of your decisions was best for the team.
10 XP when your refusal to back down causes the team to change its plans to your ideas, or when you abandon an important plan or ideal under the pressure of your allies.
Love on the Battlefield
You have found something more than comradeship with one of your allies, although the battle sometimes gets in the way of love.
1 XP when you choose to express your affection for another hero.
3 XP when you manage to find time alone in a dangerous situation with your chosen hero.
10 XP when you watch your chosen hero take d10 or more trauma or you take d10 or more trauma when your chosen hero is present and unable to aid you.
Bio: Scarlett was raised in a family that valued discipline and duty, and the martial arts. When her father was crippled after a car accident, Scarlett matured quickly and found her place in the world in the military. She is GI Joe’s intelligence expert, but she is also a fierce fighter. She shares a deep connection with Snake Eyes, and the two of them would sacrifice anything for each other.
Roadblock (Marvin Hinton)
Affiliations: Solo: d6, Buddy d10, Team d8
Distinctions: Infantry Heavy Weapons, One-Man Army, Tough as Nails Chef
Assault Gear
Machine Gun d10, Body Armor d8
SFX: Ma-Deuce. Step up or double Machine Gun against a single target (or spend a PP to do both). Remove the highest rolling die and add three dice for your total.
SFX: Wide Spray. When using Machine Gun, add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
SFX: Suppression Fire. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a Taking Cover complication on a target.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Ma-Deuce and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Large and In Charge
Enhanced Durability d8, Enhanced Stamina d8, Enhanced Strength d8
SFX: Now I’m Angry. Before you make an action including an Large and In Charge power, you may move your Physical Stress die to the Doom Pool and step up the Large and In Charge power by +1 for this action.
Limit: Muscle Strain. Shutdown any Large and In Charge power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Specialties: Combat Expert, Menace Master, Vehicle Expert
Keep Em’ Fighting
Your good nature helps keep up the spirit of your allies, even in the most tense situations.
1 XP when you assist an ally in recovering from emotional stress.
3 XP when you defeat an enemy and you helped an ally recover emotional stress during the action scene.
10 XP when you either sacrifice yourself to inspire your allies to keep fighting, or when you fight until you are the last hero to fall to protect your allies.
Toughest Guy in the Room
You have a reputation for being an unstoppable warrior, and it is one of your best weapons against the enemy.
1 XP when you first choose to inflict emotional stress on an enemy by intimidating them.
3 XP when you manage to prevent a conflict from starting by causing your foes to back down from you.
10 XP when you manage to survive a difficult battle with at least d10 in two types of stress, or when you have to back down from a foe that you could normally defeat easily.
Bio: A walking contradiction, Roadblock is both one of the toughest members of the GI Joe team, and also an accomplished chef. He is a good-natured giant to his friends, quick with an ad-libbed rhyme or an encouraging word to his teammates. To his enemies, he is a walking hurricane and a seemingly unstoppable force.
Snake Eyes (Classified)
Affiliations: Solo: d10, Buddy d8, Team d6
Distinctions: Commando, Silent Master, Tragic Warrior
Commando Gear
Custom Katana d8, Honed Throwing Knives d6, Uzi d8
SFX: Crack Shot. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any Commando Gear power.
SFX: Master’s Strike. Step up or double Custom Katana against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice to your total.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Commando Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Arashikage Training
Enhanced Senses d8, Enhanced Speed d8, Enhanced Stamina d8, Enhanced Reflexes d8, Psychic Resistance d8, Leaping d6
SFX: Endless Resolve. Before you make an action including an Arashikage Training power, you may move your Emotional Stress die to the Doom Pool and step up the Arashikage Training power by +1 for this action.
SFX: Master’s Combo. Use two or more Arashikage Training powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.
Limit: Broken Focus. Shutdown any Arashikage Training power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Timber the Wolf
Bite d8, Enhanced Reflexes d8, Enhanced Speed d8
SFX: Loyal Pet. If Snake Eyes is stressed out, spend 1 PP to have Timber remove him from the scene.
Limit: Unexplained Absence. Earn 1 PP if you have Timber shutdown for the remainder of the scene.
Specialties: Acrobatic Master, Combat Master, Covert Master, Menace Master
Heir to Arashikage
You are one of the last members of the old Arashikage clan, and you must keep their traditions alive.
1 XP when you first use your Endless Resolve SFX in a scene.
3 XP when you take on a student to teach Arashikage traditions.
10 XP when you make a great sacrifice to ensure the survival of your chosen students, or when your students betrays you and becomes enemies.
The Lone Wolf
The tragic events of your life have made it difficult at times for you to be on a team, and you tend to work better on your own.
1 XP when you choose to use your Solo affiliation the first time in each scene when you are normally in a Buddy or Team situation.
3 XP when you manage to defeat an enemy before your allies arrive.
10 XP when you join a team despite your fear that your cursed life will affect them, or when you leave a team to protect them from the tragedy that surrounds you.
Bio: The mute ninja known as Snake Eyes has endured great tragedy over his life, but it has always made him stronger. After a tour of duty in an overseas conflict, he returned home only to find his twin sister and parents were killed in a car accident. He traveled to join his army friend Thomas Arashikage at his family’s dojo to find inner peace, but the murder of the beloved Hard Master ended that. He rejoined the army and on one of his first missions with the GI Joe team his face was ravaged and his vocal cords destroyed while rescuing Scarlett from a helicopter crash. But through all this, Snake Eyes has endured and remains one of the strongest members of GI Joe.
Disclaimer: All trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress present in the images are proprietary to the copyright holder and are not affiliated with Exploring Infinity. The use of a small number of low-resolution G.I. Joe images to illustrate a product or character on Exploring Infinity falls under the fair use provision of United States copyright law.
Please make all of the characters. This is great.